In the last podcast we spoke about American football movies. I love American football movies... It's the drama of the sport, the whole other world of the professional game, the humour that can be involved and the history of the united states reflected in the game.

It's 03:51 in the morning and my son's finally asleep. I'm watching coach bumbag's number one American football movie: the express. It's a film based on the true story of Ernie Davis, the first black college player to win the heismann trophy. The heismann is a trophy awarded to the outstanding college player of the year.

The issues of race in America is something I can never truly understand or appreciate. This is something I never lived through, it's something I can only learn about. Sporting movies form a major staple of this. A truly inspirational story like that of an extraordinary man like Ernie Davis leads me to find out more. I don't want to say too much and spoil the film so it might well be worth going and watching it now!

Fair warning! As well as being the first black man to win the heismann he was the first black man to be drafted by the redskins and even this was under duress as the owner, George Preston Marshall was threatened with having his tenure revoked. Davis was immediately traded to Cleveland where he tragically never played a game.

Aspects of the film have been altered and the story is more interesting with a bit of research... Take the time to Wikipedia it. It's worth it.

My top film is another based on a true story and I may well watch that again after this movie ends. Remember the titans is a film based around the time of intergration in America. Exclusively white schools forced to accept black students... The film doesn't focus too much on the scenes in the school during the troubles but the few scenes they do have are thought provoking.

American football movies are one of my favourite viewing pleasures and whenever a new film is announced its high up on my to do list. If you're reading this blog then chances are you'll have watched your fair share... You would be doing me a great favour if you hit me on twitter with suggestions for films!

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